Religious Rebellion

Posted by Juan in , , , ,
George Orwell:
"Each generation imagines itself to be more intelligent than the one that went before it, and wiser than the one that comes after it."

I have noticed a trend which I find highly disturbing in the Christian youth these days. I understand that there is a common experience in youth generally referred to as rebellion. Rebellion obiously takes many forms through the life of a young person, but in this case, it is finding the religious beliefs of the parental generation to be insufficient, and a need to make those beliefs "theirs", or acclimatize the beliefs to their generational worldview.

While I don't think this rebellion is anything that is unusual, the current trends in Christian youth rebellion have been highly disturbing. After experimenting with the concept of "emerging church" over the past years, the emerging youth have decided that the "softness" of their parents and those currently "in charge" is something that must be rejected.

Again, this is not new, the U.S. Church has seen a few generational rounds of revival and movement towards more fundamental views of Christianity.

However, I believe I am seeing an even GREATER difference than merely a push towards more fundamental interpretations of religious life. I believe that we are seeing a sweep towards unthinking fundamentalism that paints itself as a holy "all-or-nothing" war on everything deemed to fall outside of the newfound worldview, and gives it that frightening "because GOD says so" attempt at authority.

One of the most dangerous results of this newfound thinking is the espousement of radicalism that is frightening in tone and perspective.

Examples I have heard or had thrown at me during discussions:

-The first ammendment is a logical and religious fallacy. With only one truth, how can we respect other perspectives we know to be untrue? We don't owe our allegiance to the government and constitution, we owe it to God, and God trumps the 1st amendment.

-We must quit thinking about God as a merely the luvvy-dubby grace-filled lover of all that the liberal wing of Christianity has foisted upon us. God's Justice should not be forgotten, and should be ENFORCED.

-We were a majority Christian nation - and we should keep it as such. Man's law should submit to God's law, and our leaders answer to Him. Not subjecting the government to God's law is a cop-out by weak Christians who are not fully devoted to God.

-There is only ONE correct interpretation of Scripture - God's. All these denominations have it wrong by espousing different interpretations.

Do appropriate divinity, prophet, and holy book substitutions in many of these perspectives, and these words are indistinguishable from the crazies that decided the Great Satan needed to have some buildings blown up on 9-11. How did we let our children get to this point of radical thinking? Am I the only one that thinks this double-plus Reformed-Calvinism shift in the youth is a surprising extrema in the pendulum shifts of religious rebellion? Am I the only one concerned?

I'd like to hear thoughts and comments. :-)


Must be more conservative! I don't get it...how can we, as Christians, believe that adding more rules is what God wants? Isn't that exactly the opposite of what Jesus taught?

I think Christ reduced ALL of saintly pursuits to two sublimely simple and yet transcendentally difficult commands: 1) Love the Lord your God with all of your self and what that self entails, and 2) Love your neighbor as you do yourself.

I believe every single explicit or implicit "law" or "rule" that has been either stated by God in the O.T., revealed through prophets, or expounded by apostles is a specific instance interpretation of these two principles.

Once we become aware of these two principles and how they should permeate our very being, our worldview, our actions, we become free from the petty Pharisee-esque attempts to codify all behavior.

It sounds like an over-simplification, but I challenge anyone to point to a commandment, law, or precept that is generally accepted by the Christian community that isn't simply a re-statement and situation-specific application of these two principles.

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