Welcome from Ron!

Posted by dan in ,
Welcome, my name is Ron. But friends and family also know me as Butter, T-Bird, Tee, Getwizdom and lately, Prophetik Soul. These nicknames represent my past, present and future. You are not allowed to call me by the first three nicknames…unless you grew up with me. But it is important for you to know that I am a multi-dimensional agitator and each nickname reflects that. I am more complex than my impoverished upbringing, I am deeper than my skin color and I am serious about my Christian faith. Yet all of these things have shaped me in some way. I cannot deny my race consciousness, my love of the city and my anger at injustice. I am African American in a country that reminds me everyday of my outsider status yet I have the good fortune to have quality education under my belt.

I am a questioner but not a mystic. I ask questions to seek answers and I don’t assume that they will show up overnight. I am a discerner and look for insight. I believe God is in the details which means we must seek him.

Lastly, I am a firestarter. If God had not gotten to me, I would have been setting fires to relieve my anger. Instead, I have directed my energies toward asking the hard questions. As my professors figured out, for me, there is always a question behind my question.

Yet I work hard to understand others positions courtesy of my wife and kids. I am a thinker but I am compassionate but don’t mistake this for weakness. Whether it means something to you or not, I come from the school of hard knocks. I won’t hesitate to call you out.

My interests lie in communications, urban studies, media studies, anthropology, systems thinking, philosophy, visual culture, economic development and social change. I am presently considering a run for my Phd…just so you can call me doctor. How ‘bout that!

In doing so, know that I mean well. What you see on here from me is what you would encounter in person: a person who loves God, talks alot and wants to represent him to the oppressed and to protect them…from the corrupt and powerful. Jesus, my man, 50 grand, carried himself this way. I owe him my life.


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