Hello from Juan!

Posted by Juan in ,
Hello, and welcome one and all. :-) I may be ambitious in believing that there may be more than just us posters reading this, but I hope that eventually we can draw some interesting debaters out to our little corner of the cacophonous bloggosphere.

We're three guys with three sets of opinions (at least, probably more...), and have found discussion with each other to be interesting, invigorating, and at times challenging - but always illuminating. I look forward to comments and discussions on future meanderings we may take in this cooperative.

As Dan said, we're definitely wide-ranging and spread out. I have had the pleasure of knowing Dan for nearly a decade. Ron, I've known quite a bit less, and through this electronic medium only, but I have appreciated his comments and discussion nonetheless, and look forward to getting to know him better and letting him get to be annoyed by me.

I echo the sentiment that I am not a Republican, Democrat, Baptist, Methodist, GenericLabelX, GenericLabelY...I am simply a man trying to understand a bit more of the world around him, and learn to love and follow his God as best he can. I will often fall short of the mark, but I enjoy the continuous challenge that is life. If we had nothing new to strive for tomorrow, what point would there be in getting up to face it? I fiercely love both my "home" countries, U.S. and Mexico, and love them enough to see the promise and flaws in each. I am unapologetically proud to be as blessed as I am with my history and background, and feel no need to be ashamed of who I am, what I am, or from whence I come, flaws and all. :-)

If you want to get to know ME a little better than these philosophical musings, that will be more personally (and exhaustively verbosely) taken care of on my own blog rather than here.

I'm excited about the possibilities, and mulling topics over in my head as I write this.


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